Author: Karen England, Capitol Resource Institute
Librarians and media specialists are the gatekeepers of information in the school setting, and as curators of a body of written and audio-visual works, they hold great power. But evidence suggests that many have decided to promote progressive propaganda instead of focusing on the safety and well-being of young students.
Starting Monday, the American Library Association (ALA) is sponsoring Banned Books Week. To be clear, the (ALA) sponsors Banned Books Week not to promote the banning of anything, rather they encourage students to partake in reading books that have already been challenged due to obscene, sexually explicit, or other harmful content.
Warning: Graphic Material Ahead

Unlike the progressive groups like ALA, Planned Parenthood and Panorama pushing this on our children, Capitol Resource Institute receives no government funding and must raise funds through the charity of like-minded contributors.
This is a special project CRI is choosing to take on at this critical time. This project is in addition to the daily work load with legislation and parental rights.
It takes extensive man-hours and staffing to research and writes FOIA's to can assess the contracts school districts have with big tech companies. And let's not forget the software required to catalog this deluge of information and to communicate with the ever-growing number of groups joining the fight to protect the innocence of precious children, now and into the future. Now is the time to capitalize on the momentum generated by all of the parents and groups stepping up before us.